Tour de femmes 12/08/24
CLdN Ports Rotterdam 1 hour no deliveries possible
We would like to inform you that the Tour de Femmes will be held on August 12, 2024. The tour route will cross the 'Calandbrug' and the entryway to the terminal. As a result, the terminal will be inaccessible for a total of one hour, divided into two half-hour periods.
Details of the tour:
• First closing: 12:50 hrs. – 13:15 hrs.
• First passage: 13:08 hrs.
• Opening: 13:15 -13:40 the blockade on the road under the ‘Calandbrug’ untill the roundabout will be open till 15 minutes before the second passage.
• Second closing: 13:40 hrs. – 14:10 hrs.
• Second passage 13:58 hrs.
• Back to normal 14:10 hrs.
During the closings
• The Noordzeeweg, Calandbrug and Exit A15 nr. 13 ‘Rozenburg’ are closed.
• The terminal will be accessible between 12:00 - 12:50 via the redirection (see below) and between 13:15 – 13:40 via the redirection (see below). After 14:10 the situation will be back to normal.
• Exiting the terminal and driving directly to the highway A15 via roundabout will remain open.
In order to enter the terminal, please follow the redirection:
Afrit 14 ‘Rozenburg Centrum’ → Botlekweg → Droespolderweg. Drive up to the traffic controller and await his instructions